Developed in consultation with primary health care nurses, Quit has developed online training for nurses working in primary health care to support the development of knowledge and skills to confidently provide smoking cessation care.
Smoking cessation brief advice training for Primary Health Care Nurses
The ‘Smoking Cessation Brief Advice Training for Primary Health Care Nurses’ is designed to support smoking cessation care in nursing. It will equip nurses with the skills, confidence and knowledge to provide smoking cessation brief advice to patients who smoke.
This activity has been endorsed by APNA according to approved quality standards criteria
Completion of these educational activities entitles eligible participants to claim 1 CPD hours
This education has been approved as a Lung Learning Quality-Assured Activity.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: Free
Learning objectives:
- Describe the negative health and social impacts of smoking
- Discuss the use of the AAH brief advice model of cessation care, explain the role of multi-sessional behavioural intervention (e.g. Quitline), describe the process of referral to Quitline, and Identify resources available to support patients on their smoking cessation journey
- Outline the currently available smoking cessation pharmacotherapies, discuss clinical considerations for their use, and explain methods for effectively managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms
- Identify clinically significant drug interactions associated with smoking and stopping smoking
Last updated: 13 November 2024